
Abstract Guidelines

Call for Abstracts deadline: 16 September 2024 

We encourage presentations broadly on climate change impacts on ecosystems, their vulnerability and potentials for adaptation using experimental approaches in the field or lab. Focus may be on the effects on e.g. biogeochemical cycling, biodiversity or the interplay between them as well as on how experiments may be used to address these questions.

Presentations of transdisciplinary research focusing on the agricultural transition towards sustainable future food production is highly encouraged.

To submit an abstract you go through four steps:

  1. Metadata: Title and a short summary of the abstract.
  2. Author: Add the authors of your submission.
  3. File: Upload the file (.pdf) Do not forget to click on the `Upload` button.
  4. Overview: View your submission (all the data plus any additional files). If you want to return to your repository, click the previous steps at the top of the screen, otherwise click on `Submit` button.

Essential requirements for abstracts

  • Abstracts should be submitted in English.
  • Your abstract must describe work that has been done at the moment of submission, not work that will be done.
  • Your abstract cannot exceed 1,500 characters (not including references).
  • Your abstract should contain a complete reference list (not included in the word count).
  • Science and research abstracts can only submitted in PDF (incl. text plus graphs, charts, or images as necessary, and embedded fonts). Please include abstract title, presenting author, co-authors and affiliations in your PDF.

 Submitted abstracts should be divided in 5 sections:

  • Introduction: Briefly describe the work to be discussed in your presentation.
  • Approach: Briefly describe the approach you used.
  • Main body of the abstract
  • Conclusions: Outline the significant implications you’re your paper has for the industry.
  • Learning objectives: If this abstract is selected and presented at the conference, what will delegates learn? Focus on what your abstract will enable them to do in their own job.

   NOTE! To access the submission form you need to create an account on or HAL by registering to the conference.

Please submit you abstract through our submission form.

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