
Designing and testing a smart observatory of socio-ecological systems in the Anthropocene
Laurent Longuevergne  1@  
1 : Université de Rennes 1
Université Rennes1 - CNRS

The Anthropocene, a new geological era where human actions modify Earth's habitability for all forms of life, presents new challenges that require the implementation of cross-cutting and holistic approaches on a relevant scale for fundamental research and localized action. TERRA FORMA, a project funded by PIA3 EQUIPEX+, aims to design and test in-situ observation platforms that provide a new multi-signal view of the evolution of our living territories. This project relies on the latest technological advancements (IoT, AI, optics, 3D printing, etc.) to design and test an evolving network of smart sensors. The goal is to develop both low-cost connected sensors, adapted to field conditions and capable of measuring a range of variables emerging from states and flows of matter (water, gas, biota), and to build a modular, energy-efficient communication infrastructure with computing power to process in real-time the observations generated by heterogeneous sensors and feed databases almost in real-time. TERRA FORMA brings together scientists in an interdisciplinary effort at the crossroads of Earth, natural, technological, computer, and social sciences.

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